A Good Workout on a Beautiful Day
Sunday saw me on my 34-mile circular(ish) route to Long Melford, Lavenham, Bradfield and home. I've actually moved home since the last time I did this route, but the distance was near enough the same. Annoyingly, my Garmin refused to download the data for the ride, but the little Cateye computer showed a pleasing average of almost 16mph.
Considering I'm still on my Paris to Venice mountain bike, I'm pleased with that. It equates to about 15.1 mph on the Garmin.
I had a seven minute 'rest' about one minute into the ride when a stray bungee cord wrapped itself around the block and derailleur, bring me to an abrupt halt, but once I'd cut that free there were no more stops. I hardly ate or drank, either, and felt no more weary at the end than when I've stopped for food and rest in the past. There's definitely something to be said for avoiding carbs before and during a ride, at least up to that kind of distance. I did eat a pear at around 24 miles, which was refreshing and sweet, so I wasn't completely carb-free, but even so...
It wasn't hot, but I drank about 250ml of water on the ride. I drank the other 750ml when I got home, mind you, but more because I felt I should.I also ate most of the fruit and nuts I'd taken with me, but again I wasn't really needy.
It will be interesting to see how I go in the Norwich 100 in ten days' time. There is a compulsory one hour stop at halfway, when I'll eat a normal-size lunch but otherwise I think I will try to follow a similar regime unless I get desperate. That's more likely in the second half of the course, I imagine.
I was shocked when John reminded me how soon the Norwich event was, but I think I'll be ok. A longish ride this weekend might confirm or deny that, of course!
PS. I've ordered a replacement rear derailleur, since the jockey wheels on mine are running at about thirty degrees off centre! It's done very well and still works well and changes smoothly most of the time, but I can't quite trust it in the lower ratios any more and although there aren't any real hills in Norfolk it will be nice to be able to use the gears properly when I need to. Apart from tyres, tubes, brake blocks (and I think pedals) it's the only new component the bike will have had since new.
Something else will break now, I bet!
Considering I'm still on my Paris to Venice mountain bike, I'm pleased with that. It equates to about 15.1 mph on the Garmin.
I had a seven minute 'rest' about one minute into the ride when a stray bungee cord wrapped itself around the block and derailleur, bring me to an abrupt halt, but once I'd cut that free there were no more stops. I hardly ate or drank, either, and felt no more weary at the end than when I've stopped for food and rest in the past. There's definitely something to be said for avoiding carbs before and during a ride, at least up to that kind of distance. I did eat a pear at around 24 miles, which was refreshing and sweet, so I wasn't completely carb-free, but even so...
It wasn't hot, but I drank about 250ml of water on the ride. I drank the other 750ml when I got home, mind you, but more because I felt I should.I also ate most of the fruit and nuts I'd taken with me, but again I wasn't really needy.
It will be interesting to see how I go in the Norwich 100 in ten days' time. There is a compulsory one hour stop at halfway, when I'll eat a normal-size lunch but otherwise I think I will try to follow a similar regime unless I get desperate. That's more likely in the second half of the course, I imagine.
I was shocked when John reminded me how soon the Norwich event was, but I think I'll be ok. A longish ride this weekend might confirm or deny that, of course!
PS. I've ordered a replacement rear derailleur, since the jockey wheels on mine are running at about thirty degrees off centre! It's done very well and still works well and changes smoothly most of the time, but I can't quite trust it in the lower ratios any more and although there aren't any real hills in Norfolk it will be nice to be able to use the gears properly when I need to. Apart from tyres, tubes, brake blocks (and I think pedals) it's the only new component the bike will have had since new.
Something else will break now, I bet!